Surviving Seminary

Join hosts and seminary veterans Kevin and Jason as they provide helpful advice for your seminary journey.

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Monday Oct 07, 2019

When you're having trouble coming up with ideas for projects, papers, or other school-related things, consider the old "Brainstorming" method. Learn all about it on this episode!

Monday Aug 26, 2019

Entering seminary and ministry as a second phase of adult life can offer distinct challenges, particularly in the realm of finances. In this episode, Kevin and Jason interview Pastor Brian Nutter, to hear his second-career seminary story. Brian gets candid and talks about the choices he wishes he had and hadn't made, and offers great financial advice to those considering seminary after already having an established career. 

Monday Aug 12, 2019

One of the more challenging aspects of seminary education is biblical languages. They require a huge investment of time and energy, both in the learning and the maintaining. They also offer incredible rewards in biblical interpretation, preaching, and appreciation of the Scriptures, regardless of whether they are a degree requirement or not. In this episode, Kevin and Jason speak to the value of their favorite subjects, Greek and Hebrew.
Links to resources highlighted in the episode:
For Fred Long's Video, "Why Study NT Greek?":

Monday Jul 29, 2019

In the course of your time at seminary, you will likely forge close relationships with people. You will also most likely have to say goodbye to those people as they and you move on to pursue God's calling. In this episode, Jason shares some recent experience of having to say goodbye, and both Kevin and Jason consider how to best handle seminary relationships in a way that is healthy and God-honoring.


Monday Jul 08, 2019

Monday Jul 08, 2019

When our families went on vacation together recently, it wasn't exactly the most relaxing time. But then, what really is the purpose of vacation? On this episode Kevin and Jason discuss the difference between the cliches and realities of vacation, and the ways that interrupting our regular rhythms can help us to keep the proper perspectives.

Survival Tip: Zotero

Monday Jul 01, 2019

Monday Jul 01, 2019

Writing a paper is difficult. Especially ensuring that your citations are done correctly. Thankfully, you can use Zotero, a free software, to make your citation process a veritable no-brainer. On this episode, we share the details of how to use Zotero, and how it can help you take your papers to the next level.

Monday Jun 24, 2019

Seminary involves responsibilities, obstacles, and choices. On this episode, Kevin and Jason explore these realities through an economics-related analogy, transaction costs and opportunity costs. How do we employ our time and energy in ways that achieve results efficiently? 

Monday Jun 10, 2019

Books are an inescapable feature of seminary; a two-edged sword involving both incredible value and often incredible cost. What format is right for you as you study?

The Call to Seminary

Saturday Jun 01, 2019

Saturday Jun 01, 2019

Going to seminary is a big decision and takes the proper foundation. In this episode, Kevin and Jason talk about calling and how it relates to one's seminary journey. 

Welcome to Surviving Seminary

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019

Welcome to Surviving Seminary. Hosts and seminary veterans Kevin and Jason are here to provide you with helpful advice as you begin or continue your seminary journey.

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